A Year of Reading Non-fictions (2018)

Today is Jan 10, 2018 which means 10 days are going to be passed in the year 2018. If we divide the year 2018 into 36.5 pieces, one of them has been collected. ‘How time flies’ is a sentence learnt in English language lesson from my childhood in mainland China. After growing up, the feeling of ‘How time flies’ becomes stronger and stronger.

Each time while new year is approaching, people are busy with drafting new year resolutions. I used to write the resolution too. However, to be honest, only around 50% can be completed. New year resolution makes sense because at least I can accomplish around 50% in the coming year. Recently, I encountered two stories from two female persons. One is a female author from the UK – Ann Morgan – who has completed her “A Year of Reading the World” plan to read one book from each of 196 countries. I know her plan from TED Talks. The plan is amazing and the official website is well-presented and concise. Another is a female traveler from USA named Cassie De Pecol who traveled 196 countries in 18 months breaking two Guinness world records. These two facts keep motivating me to think what I can do to know the world as a female and how to combine my strengths with the two great examples.

After marriage, the married life and job keep me busy. It’s not easy to put everything away to travel the world. However, according to my experiences traveling to different countries before, it’s vital to open your mind to learn. Meanwhile, I am a person who love to read non-fictions because from childhood I know what have been written in non-fictions are real in the world. It’s strange that I seldom watched cartoon in my childhood because I didn’t see real persons in them. Instead, I like to watch TVs and performances by real kids in my childhood. Therefore, here is my decision: to read one person from each of 196 countries. It can be put it into the title: A Year of Reading World Non-fictions. My plan is to read one non-fiction covering biographies or events from each country in English or Chinese.

If you have some non-fictions from your mother country to recommend, please feel free to leave your comments or send me email: cathy.q.huang2017@gmail.com.

My book list starts from here:

  1. Reading the World by Ann Morgan

Thanks for your great support and I can introduce you some basic Chinese language and traditional Chinese culture if you are interested in.

Cathy in Hong Kong